Friday 11 December 2009

It's Siberia in NY

Jeeze Louise it is cold here. I mean FREEZING. But no snow. Which is a good thing because everything seems to come to an abrupt halt here in NY/BK with just an inch of the stuff.

I decided not to wear gloves as the sun was shining brightly so I thought it couldn't be that bad. (kick myself number one). Then I went to pump gas (notice how American I am sounding?) and forgot that over here, they have locks on the pumps so you can sit in the comfort of your car, listening to the crap that is American radio, and forget that it's minus 80 outside. But of course that lock thingy escaped my peanut brain, so I stood outside holding the damn pump for what felt like an eternity (kick myself number two). My fingers were numb and i was kicking myself (for the third time) for sending Margaux to her sitter without gloves (major kick for that) - however, before anyone calls social services, her coat sleeve is about four inches too long so it covered her little fingers.

Then I went to Costco and came out $600 poorer (Joe will kick me for that one). How the hell did that happen? The only frivolous item I bought were a dozen red roses for $15!! That place is dangerous. I got yelled at by the lady at check out for having too many items in my 'cart' (ie trolley). Oh humbug, tis the season to spend spend spend right?!

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