Thursday 29 October 2009

End of the Master Cleanse

Ten days of NO food, NO wine and basically NO fun, but I did it!! I drank the lemonade (which actually wasn't so bad), I drank the senna tea (disgusting) and I drank the Salt Water Flush in the mornings (truly revolting).

I won't go into the gross details that come with the Master Cleanse, there are enough blogs out there that describe all that, but this is what came from it from me:

a) a weight loss of 8 pounds
b) clearer skin
c) more energy upon waking

The one side effect I did have with this cleanse on or about Day 4, was incredible cramping. It felt like contractions. Now, despite two children, I had c-sections both times. This was not through my choice, it was because Spencer was breach and in NY they won't let you have a VBAC unless you find a doctor willing to do it (which I was unable).

I now feel qualified to say I think I know what a contraction feels like. It was really painful but unlike childbirth, it passed after an hour or so. So my respect for women who have given birth naturally has increased even more from the pinnacle it was.

I can really recommend the Master Cleanse to everyone, it just takes a huge amount of willpower.

Now bring on the fish tacos!

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