Not much of a great Fourth this year...
It started with both kids having a virus, and a temperature of 102/103 and both sick Friday afternoon. We were down at Joe's parents in Philadephia for what we thought would be a relaxing w/end.
How wrong we were!
After worrying about both kids being so knocked out, we get a call that Joe's youngest sister was in the ER after a bad car crash. Luckily, apart from major bruising and lacerations, she is fine, her car is a total write off.
I then made dinner for everyone, salmon with pesto sauce, gave some to Spence and within an hour, WE were in the ER... he had a crazy allergic reaction to the pine nuts in the pesto, couldn't breathe as his tongue had swollen up so much and he was hooked up to iv's, had respitory mask on him, needles everywhere and me and him had to spend the night at Brwyn Mawr hospital which was amazing. The staff in the ER/Pediatric Unit were unbelievable.
We managed to get some alone time that afternoon and hit downtown for some tapas which was amazing: http://www.amadarestaurant.com
then after at some funky bar with the coolest menu I've ever seen.
We then get back to Brooklyn to so much trash outside that here is a small example of what covered our entire street for two days, it was like Armageddon outside!
Now basking in 102 heatwave! I am missing England more than ever!
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