Monday, 21 June 2010

Most amazing World Cup so far

I am not even going to comment on the England/Algeria game as I was so gutted and who wasn't quite frankly. I had a sneaky suspicion at half time it wasn't going to go anywhere and cracked open the box of rose in despair. The flag hanging in our living room is getting close to being pulled down I fear. Actually, I guess I just did comment on it!

BUT onto other matters, after watching pretty much all of the games so far, which is hard with two small children, Joe and I got the opportunity this w/end to stay at his sister's apartment downtown Philadelphia and after sleeping in (bliss), a lovely grown up brunch at an amazing restaurant, Amis, we then got to watch the New Zealand/Italy game. I took the side of NZ as I always love the underdog and plus Cab lives there so I'm biased. WHAT A GAME!! We were on the edge of our seats. That was when I wasn't screaming at the tv for the pathetic dramatics from the Italian team - come on, the entire world is watching and it's drama central.

The game was gripping, suspenseful and actually brought tears to my eyes at the end when you saw how emotional the players were. They had real fire in their bellies and I can't wait for the next game against Pargaguay...

Meanwhile, the North Korea/Portugal game is on... 7-0...Dismal!

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