The weather is finally gorgeous. Catching up to England so I hear - take that Pilates Man!!
Anyway, Joe didn't have work yesterday and Spencer didn't have school so we gave Spence an option - to go to the Statue of Liberty on a boat or the Empire State on a train (subway but he doesn't yet know the difference!) he picked the Empire State and here are a few pics.
Margaux and I were criminally stuck indoors waiting for the cable guy..Who came, gave us a dud box, then after me hysterically screaming to Time Warner, who suck more than is possible, we had to wait another two hours for him to come back. We were indoors till 4pm. She decided to get out the Moses basket she slept in as a baby and here are some shots of that. Check out how long she is getting!!
Off to Philly today to drop the kids of for the w/end with Joe's parents so we can get a gazillion things done in our little 2 bed palace. A 6 hour drive in what is going to be another gorgeous day. Grrrr.. I am going to be as white as my mate Brom if this continues...
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