So yesterday was the big 4-1. It really sucks compared to 40 as that was all one huge celebration and this wasn't much of anything in terms of celebrating. It's 9 years from 50, and I still feel about 27! We spent the day with a Memorial Day parade right outside. We saw Mayor Bloomberg, he looked up at us hanging out the window and waved, that was a nice treat, he's been the Mayor for years and I've never seen him in person. He actually seems like a great guy and pretty awesome of him to be walking the streets of Brooklyn on a holiday w/end when he could be off on a yacht in the med.
Then we went to Coney Island with Denim and co for the morning, super fun. The rides were great, apart from Margaux not digging the swinging ferris wheel and clinging to Joe for dear life. We decided (along with half of Brooklyn) to stop in Ikea on the way back and get a new couch, Here is Margaux destroying her ice-cream and trying to hand it to me so I then got covered. Joe tied it to the roof and I drove home on the BQE doing about 40 mph as I could see it falling off at any given second. Nervewracking... A sofa tied to the roof with some twine didn't do my heart any favours!! Thankfully it didn't fall off, and now have a lovely new couch that is also a bed so we can have visitors again!!
Topped off the day with dinner in Queens at an Italian that was really hyped about but wasn't that great but it was fun to be with hubby for the night. Then got back and found out my sitter of four years has got another job so she quit on me, no notice!! Happy Birthday to me!!