Here is a wardrobe trailer RIGHT out side our apartment for a new movie called "Gods behaving badly" - now I know they have to film on streets to make it more authentic, but do they have to do it right by my apartment and take up every single space in a 4 block radius? It was a nightmare! I couldn't park anywhere near to unload shopping and two cranky kids - it better be a bloody good movie!
I was lucky enough to go twice to the US Open and it was amazing as I got to see both players that were in the final. However, my heart went out to Nadal (I mean, just look at that bum) but sadly, after a nail biting, edge of seat game, he lost... He still has my vote however for most amazing men's tennis player.... See you next year Rafa!
So Irene came and walloped... Here are some devastating pics from my fellow Brit friend's house that was struck by a tree during the 'after winds'. Horrible, they just left Brooklyn for the calm and serenity of New Jersey, but there is nothing serene about this. And here are a bunch of trees, lying dead in midtown...And this picture was taken 2 weeks after...
A forty-two year old, London born expat struggling with a walk up apartment, alternate street parking (you would feel the pain if you lived in New York), one husband, two kids and fifteen/twenty (!) excess pounds.