Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Margaux the wise

Marguax's body observation at school.

Radio City Rockettes

2nd annual trip! Again, we knew one of the dancers so got a big treat and got backstage. So much fun... Next year I think Margaux will be ready for it, she is still a WEE bit young I feel to get it.. Here is me with Spence at the tree at 30 Rock, and the boys (Spence, Campbell and Denim) on the G train... Ho ho ho..!

Kids in Philly

They really do love each other.. How long it lasts is another question.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Crazy weather continues

Honestly, 69 degrees on November 28th?? Here is proof and here is Margaux playing outside.
Global warming!!!

Mum's final resting place

We had a whirlwind trip to London/Edinburgh/NY - thanks BA for sucking as always and delaying us 19 hours coming back.. But I digress... Here is the final spot Heather chose. Of course we were blocked out by a huge fence but that didn't stop us morphing our inner spiderman and scaling it to get to where she wanted to be scattered...
If you are ever there, is the Tillicoultry Glen at the Ochils...

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Saturday, 29 October 2011


Just not on the news.
It won't' stop snowing!!!
I am hibernating till April

LA fun and Weather Madness

I was lucky to be in California last w/end, one night at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs, and two nights in LA, staying at the Four Seasons (bunked with a friend there on business) - who should be there but Sophia Vegara from Modern Family (oh and Lionel Ritchie but didn't get a shot of him) - here she is looking insanely gorgeous.

Meanwhile, it's October 29.. and it's SNOWING here in NY!!! Talk about trick or treat - TRICK!!!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Wedding fun

We just got back from an exhausting but super fun wedding of Joe's sister Theresa. We were ALL in it, me the world's oldest braid, Joe an usher, and Spence and Margaux as ring bearer/flower girl. I'm sure I will add more photos soon but here is a sampling for now. The kids did amazing, even during an hours mass, not one word of complaint. Of course they made up for it on the way back to NY...

Friday, 7 October 2011

Not a post for Katherine

Here is a pig roast we went to last w/end - omg, so not for me.... I like my bacon and all.. but couldnt' quite handle this scenario for my Sunday dinner!

On another note, here is my little cowgirl.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Urban ballet stars

Here is Margaux with her new bestie, Clea after ballet last week. Does this picture get any cuter?

Here she is also on her way to preschool - she dressed herself - it was a pink explosion.

Movie Madness

Here is a wardrobe trailer RIGHT out side our apartment for a new movie called "Gods behaving badly" - now I know they have to film on streets to make it more authentic, but do they have to do it right by my apartment and take up every single space in a 4 block radius? It was a nightmare! I couldn't park anywhere near to unload shopping and two cranky kids - it better be a bloody good movie!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Us Open - heart breaks

I was lucky enough to go twice to the US Open and it was amazing as I got to see both players that were in the final. However, my heart went out to Nadal (I mean, just look at that bum) but sadly, after a nail biting, edge of seat game, he lost... He still has my vote however for most amazing men's tennis player.... See you next year Rafa!

Irene attacks

So Irene came and walloped... Here are some devastating pics from my fellow Brit friend's house that was struck by a tree during the 'after winds'. Horrible, they just left Brooklyn for the calm and serenity of New Jersey, but there is nothing serene about this. And here are a bunch of trees, lying dead in midtown...And this picture was taken 2 weeks after...

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Jersey Shore Holiday

Packed the car to the gills for our annual trip to Avalon, NJ. Our first week was just the four of us, in a delightful 500sq ft apartment, with the most amazing view of a car park. Oh, and karakoke bar jut feet away! The second week we upgraded a bit to a lovely house. good times, till Irene booted us out.

See Ya Irene

She came. She cost us a night at the Jersey Shore. She tried to get us to cancel big plans, but we prevailed. It wasn't as bad as expected but still was damaging. New York was an absolute ghost town, completely eerie.

Here are some shots of damage, and funny signs we saw _ I loved the 'you know why' comment.

It's a Luau

So we got evacuated from our Avalon, (Jersey shore) rental due to Irene but had a big Luau planned for the Mother In Laws 60th. Nothing stops us from a party - we shifted it to their home after packing up in a Hurricane frenzy. (we were working fast, it was however a beautiful day with no indication of the weather on its way)

the party was a huge success - here is Margaux strutting her stuff.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Boating in Long Island

Here's the fam boating in Huntington Long Island - good times...