Taylor Swift won Album of the Year?? She seems nice, sweet, talented. BUT WTF??? Come on.. Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas, and let's not even go there with the brilliance of Lady Gaga....
I have lost faith...
But I do have to say that Pink's performance blew me away. She was amazing. She was everything a performer should be. I feel let down. I hope the oscar nominations on Tuesday don't let me down. The Hurt Locker and Up deserve every nomination they qualify for.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Hope for Haiti
George Clooney really did an amazing job with this recent fund raiser. I watched it all, loved that he managed to get it commercial free, and that there were so many stars on hand. The acts were unbelievable. Especially the Rhianna, Bono and Jay Z act in London. Although I do think Bono looked pervy gawking at Rhianna all the time, but she was pretty incredible. George Clooney is turning into quite the humanitarian and I applaud him for it. Now if he could get to Brooklyn sometime soon so I can applaud him personally... :)
Dishwasher disaster
So for FOUR long, painful years we have lived without a dishwasher. And if you know me, you know we cook a ton, and therefore got really sick of washing dishes constantly.
Our lease was up on the apartment and (for another blog) we decided to stay put, but we had to re-do the kitchen, to include a dishwasher. We had a budget of $1500 all in.
$3300 later....
One of our purchases was a second hand dishwasher. We thought we were getting a bargain. It was a Miele which is a brand I love.. We drove out to Staten Island to get it (tolls there and back - $40), talked the woman down from $300 to $200, looked online and it was selling for $1200 so we patted ourselves on the back thinking we got a deal..
But of course not. We had to call Miele and order parts. $200. We had to get a plumber out to install it $400. So now we are up to $800... and guess what - it's still not working. We called the tech dept at Miele and we need a $380 part and a Miele expert to install it - $175 per hour. We want to SCREAM. We could have got five new ones from Ikea at this rate. And guess what, it's sitting there, not working and I'm still washing bloody dishes!!
Our lease was up on the apartment and (for another blog) we decided to stay put, but we had to re-do the kitchen, to include a dishwasher. We had a budget of $1500 all in.
$3300 later....
One of our purchases was a second hand dishwasher. We thought we were getting a bargain. It was a Miele which is a brand I love.. We drove out to Staten Island to get it (tolls there and back - $40), talked the woman down from $300 to $200, looked online and it was selling for $1200 so we patted ourselves on the back thinking we got a deal..
But of course not. We had to call Miele and order parts. $200. We had to get a plumber out to install it $400. So now we are up to $800... and guess what - it's still not working. We called the tech dept at Miele and we need a $380 part and a Miele expert to install it - $175 per hour. We want to SCREAM. We could have got five new ones from Ikea at this rate. And guess what, it's sitting there, not working and I'm still washing bloody dishes!!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Golden Globes vs Haiti earthquake
I feel somewhat a jackass reporting in on my blog on the GG's before the earthquake in Haiti... So here is what I have to say about the devastation in Haiti.. I know very little about this gorgeous little (shared) island, apart from hearing from a nurses aid that I know called Marie, who has a house there. She is my only connection to this. As of today she has no idea if her house is standing or if her relatives and friends are alive. I have spent many hours with Marie talking about Haiti and her home there and I pray with all the religion I have that she will be ok....I have donated, and I will donate more but I still feel inadequate thus far....
Ok on a lighter note, tonight was the GG's. The Golden Globes. My second favourite night in American tv next to the oscars.
Here are my thoughts:
Kathryn Bigelow should have won for Hurt Locker (but how gracious was JC towards his ex wife about it - way to go Jim!)
Sandra Bullock is great but come out, Gabby Sidebo (sp?) for Precious should have won..
WTF - Hugh Laurie lost to Michael Dexter?
The red carpet special before the show.. All the truly A-listers acted like they couldn't get away fast enough from the NBC live red carpet. Those that were FIRST nominated, couldn't contain their excitement. If you're an aspiring actor, you watch these shows and dream about being there. Then you make it, then you get big time, and then, it's like a nightmare talking on the red carpet to these hosts. You know what... if you don't want to act, then don't do it. This is part of it!! I was literally 'sickened' by the behaviour of some of these 'red carpet stars" who acted like it was beneath them to talk to the NBC red carpet staff. Come on!! Don't you all realise you started with nothing and would watch this and wish you could be there??!!
Also, Ricky Gervais was great, American's just don't get his humour. Paul McCartney needs to lighten up!
Ok on a lighter note, tonight was the GG's. The Golden Globes. My second favourite night in American tv next to the oscars.
Here are my thoughts:
Kathryn Bigelow should have won for Hurt Locker (but how gracious was JC towards his ex wife about it - way to go Jim!)
Sandra Bullock is great but come out, Gabby Sidebo (sp?) for Precious should have won..
WTF - Hugh Laurie lost to Michael Dexter?
The red carpet special before the show.. All the truly A-listers acted like they couldn't get away fast enough from the NBC live red carpet. Those that were FIRST nominated, couldn't contain their excitement. If you're an aspiring actor, you watch these shows and dream about being there. Then you make it, then you get big time, and then, it's like a nightmare talking on the red carpet to these hosts. You know what... if you don't want to act, then don't do it. This is part of it!! I was literally 'sickened' by the behaviour of some of these 'red carpet stars" who acted like it was beneath them to talk to the NBC red carpet staff. Come on!! Don't you all realise you started with nothing and would watch this and wish you could be there??!!
Also, Ricky Gervais was great, American's just don't get his humour. Paul McCartney needs to lighten up!
Alec Baldwin,
Golden Globes,
Hugh Laurie,
Ricky Gervais,
Up in the Air
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Jane Krakowski - something nice to say about NBC
I have always been a huge huge fan of Jane Krakowski - despite her name taking me three times to type.
I am also trying to forgive NBC for it's total lack of dignity during this Tonight Show debacle and trying to find the good amongst the bad.
Jane K is surely one of the most talented actors around? She is such an all rounder, a singer, dancer, and brilliant actress. She comes across in live interviews as a totally cool chick that you want to call. Anytime. For Anything.
Can I please spread the word about her? She seriously is incredibly talented, funny, charming but not pretentious. No wonder the brilliant Tina Fey recognised her talent and brought her into 30 Rock.
Also, apparently she just got engaged to an English bloke, so we have to love her even more!!
I am also trying to forgive NBC for it's total lack of dignity during this Tonight Show debacle and trying to find the good amongst the bad.
Jane K is surely one of the most talented actors around? She is such an all rounder, a singer, dancer, and brilliant actress. She comes across in live interviews as a totally cool chick that you want to call. Anytime. For Anything.
Can I please spread the word about her? She seriously is incredibly talented, funny, charming but not pretentious. No wonder the brilliant Tina Fey recognised her talent and brought her into 30 Rock.
Also, apparently she just got engaged to an English bloke, so we have to love her even more!!
30 Rock,
Jane Krakowski,
Tina Fey
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
I'm With Coco
Don't get me wrong. NBC has entertained me for yours, but lately I feel like it really stands for: Naff Bogus Circus. What they are doing to these three enormously talented, clever hosts (and their staff) is outrageous. I love NBC normally, I have been watching the Today show for years now, and The Office and 30 Rock, is pure brilliance, but aside from that they need a huge shake up to get back to the basics, stop jerking everyone around and give us tv worth watching.
UPDATE: I have been watching Conan every night. He is handling this situation with such grace, and the most incredible sense of humour that I can't say enough about him. He reminds me alot of my friend Ted Logan who has a similar fast wit.
(My friends reading this is in the UK obviously have zero idea what I am harping on about, but it's something I feel strongly about.)
Jay should realise that a deal is a deal. Conan is the new daddy-O of the tonight show and let Conan get the show to at least walking stage (his reference to a baby this week was priceless and spot on). Leno will do just fine, in fact, let him do the version of Top Gear, because surely there is no other American talent that knows cars like he does, and if the Office can translate well (which I never thought I would admit to) then surely that show can with the array of cars here?
UPDATE: I have been watching Conan every night. He is handling this situation with such grace, and the most incredible sense of humour that I can't say enough about him. He reminds me alot of my friend Ted Logan who has a similar fast wit.
(My friends reading this is in the UK obviously have zero idea what I am harping on about, but it's something I feel strongly about.)
Jay should realise that a deal is a deal. Conan is the new daddy-O of the tonight show and let Conan get the show to at least walking stage (his reference to a baby this week was priceless and spot on). Leno will do just fine, in fact, let him do the version of Top Gear, because surely there is no other American talent that knows cars like he does, and if the Office can translate well (which I never thought I would admit to) then surely that show can with the array of cars here?
Conan O'Brien,
Jay Leno,
Jimmy Fallon,
Top Gear
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Andy Rooney - Original Blogger
We have just finished our weekly ritual of watching Sixty Minutes on CBS. As usual, Joe takes off when Andy Rooney comes on, but I rather like the blithering, clever old dude so I always stick around for his brief segment. After hearing his blurb on obsolete electronics in the household, I have decided that he is the original blogger. He has offered his opinions, be them good or bad, to the general public for years now. He doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks and it's out there for posterity - much like a blog.
Now I really do like him even more (much to Joe's further annoyance!)
Meanwhile, have been radio silent for a few days due to some major things:
A) Kids have both been sick. A 19 month old puking is the saddest thing on earth
B) We are apartment hunting and it's a torturous process - more on this later.
Now I really do like him even more (much to Joe's further annoyance!)
Meanwhile, have been radio silent for a few days due to some major things:
A) Kids have both been sick. A 19 month old puking is the saddest thing on earth
B) We are apartment hunting and it's a torturous process - more on this later.
Andy Rooney,
Sixty Minutes
Monday, 4 January 2010
Happy New Year!

Not much to report on New Years Eve wise... We babysat two other kids and to say I got 45 minutes of sleep that night would not be exaggerating. Sadly not to partying, but to watching a 9 month old sleep in our bed and worrying about Spencer rolling onto him. I literally slept from 1230 to 115am and then not till 9pm that night!
In the meantime, here are some photos of Margaux from the holidays that are long overdue. Spencer one's to follow.
I hope 2010 is a happy and prosperous year for all of us!
Jersey Shore Confession
I have to admit that I recently became addicted to the new MTV show, Jersey Shore. It's fascinating!! I started watching it at home the other night on demand and got instantly hooked. I had resisted up till now, but too many friends were raving about it, and you know I hate to be out of the loop, so I turned it on, and lo and behold, five episodes in and I LOVE IT!!
Thank God that mean spirited cow, Angelina, is out. What kind of person thinks it's ok to talk like that??! And as for Snookie, LOVE him. The men are kinda boring, Ronnie is sweet, but Mike, The Situation, I could do without. I find myself watching him behind a cushion half the time.
Thanks MTV for finally coming up with a watchable show, however, can we go back to more actual 'Music Videos' please?
Thank God that mean spirited cow, Angelina, is out. What kind of person thinks it's ok to talk like that??! And as for Snookie, LOVE him. The men are kinda boring, Ronnie is sweet, but Mike, The Situation, I could do without. I find myself watching him behind a cushion half the time.
Thanks MTV for finally coming up with a watchable show, however, can we go back to more actual 'Music Videos' please?
Jersey Shore,
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