OMG - when will it end? I mean, who would have thought that a shoe could bring down a plane. But now explosives in underwear? It scares the cr+++p out of me, especially living in NYC... Are they going to pat down our 'crotch' from now on? Get on it homeland security for better x-rays in every terminal!!
There is only one victim of 9/11 that I knew, Norm Rossinow. He was a consultant when I worked at USA Networks a billion years ago. He was such an amazing guy, always friendly on the phone and in person and it was devastating to see his name under the list of victims.
Maybe it was a 'Christmas Miracle' that this recent terrorist attempt failed, and despite not being the religious person I perhaps should be, I pray that there are more of them.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
BBC America is the Superior News Channel
I feel somewhat guilty writing this, because a very good friend of mine is a producer for one of the major news channels here in America (and even here in NYC), but I have to say, that BBC America News, Matt Frei in particular, really is the only source of 'worldwide' news that everyone should be watching...They seem totally unbiased, and provide more educated news that you can get from any source here. They did their 'In Memoriam' Section this morning - I was in tears by the end when they elegantly ended it, not with the huge tabloidy death of Michael Jackson, or the other worthy entertainers that passed this year, but with the death of the last three remaining WWI veterans. It was incredibly classy, and so well done, that I was literally a blubbering wreck by the end.
BBC America,
Matt Frei
Taylor Swift's Year? Come on.. Lada Gaga is a genius
I don't think this is a biased New Yorker talking here, but I do believe that the un-be-lievable Lady Gaga surely deserves entertainer of the year over Taylor Swift?
Don't get me wrong, Taylor Swift, is gorgeous and talented and seems to be super sweet. Oh, and funny, I LOVED her opening skit on SNL, but Lady Gaga really does blow me away with her pure genius. There isn't a song I can fault, and every look she exhibits can surely only be pulled off by her. She gets my vote for entertainer of the decade, let alone 2009.
(Joe is currently cringing in the corner right now)
Don't get me wrong, Taylor Swift, is gorgeous and talented and seems to be super sweet. Oh, and funny, I LOVED her opening skit on SNL, but Lady Gaga really does blow me away with her pure genius. There isn't a song I can fault, and every look she exhibits can surely only be pulled off by her. She gets my vote for entertainer of the decade, let alone 2009.
(Joe is currently cringing in the corner right now)
Lady Gaga,
Taylor Swift
Ho Bloody Ho
Oh boy.. wish I could say it was a jolly old xmas, which it was until approx 4pm on Dec 27th when sadly the first and hopefully last argument emerged between me and one of my sister in laws....
I was told by Sally in Switzerland (a possible movie title there) that the average family fights on Xmas day at 10am so I am WAY behind the average! Stupid, silly argument, blown up in the face of stress, lack of sleep, absent husband, ... oh humbug. Anyway moving on.. Until then we had a GREAT Christmas!
We took advantage of the recent snow storm which was perfect for a second fridge:

Here are the little munchkins in their new wagon:
Oh boy.. wish I could say it was a jolly old xmas, which it was until approx 4pm on Dec 27th when sadly the first and hopefully last argument emerged between me and one of my sister in laws....
I was told by Sally in Switzerland (a possible movie title there) that the average family fights on Xmas day at 10am so I am WAY behind the average! Stupid, silly argument, blown up in the face of stress, lack of sleep, absent husband, ... oh humbug. Anyway moving on.. Until then we had a GREAT Christmas!
We took advantage of the recent snow storm which was perfect for a second fridge:

Here are the little munchkins in their new wagon:

Sunday, 20 December 2009
Easy Mince Pies? Nigella, You LIE!!
Ok, Ok, I am ALWAYS being compared to Ms Nigella Lawson over here.. Maybe it's the same voluptupus figure we both possess, the fact that we are both British, we both like to cook, we each have a son and a daughter, we have a husband familiar with the arts, but seriously, that's where it has to end. Because in terms of baking, I simply cannot compare with this domestic goddess.
I recently tried making home made mince pies after seeing her doing it so effortlessly on the Food Network. To speak like a yank... "boy did i suck"....
this is what came of it...
Food Network,
Mince Pies,
Nigella Lawson
Thursday, 17 December 2009
There's A Party in My Tummy
I just realised I didn't post about a recent show I took Spencer and his friends (Denin and Luke) to - Yo Gabba Gabba at the Beacon Theatre.
First I should explain where the show was - in Manhattan, on the West Side at the Beacon Theatre which is a beautiful theatre that I have passed a dozen times and never been inside so that was a treat in itself.
Then the show - for those of you who don't know Yo Gabba Gabba, you should check them out if you have kids age 12 months - 8 years old. Their shows are fantastic, and great if you need to shower/wash dishes/gab on the phone - as the kids get transfixed for approximately 27 minutes.
The show, despite the hefty ticket price, and the bloody mark ups on all the merchandise they sell right there, that the boys HAVE to have ($27 for a kids t-shirt??!) - it was a really great show. It featured all their songs, some of which are, "There's a Party in my tummy", I'm so sorry, I like to dance, and my favourite 'Let's get the sillies out'.
I really recommend it if it comes your way. Spencer was too shy and basically stayed rooted in his seat, but Denim rocked out and danced like her really did have a party in his tummy, Luke was somewhere in between.
First I should explain where the show was - in Manhattan, on the West Side at the Beacon Theatre which is a beautiful theatre that I have passed a dozen times and never been inside so that was a treat in itself.
Then the show - for those of you who don't know Yo Gabba Gabba, you should check them out if you have kids age 12 months - 8 years old. Their shows are fantastic, and great if you need to shower/wash dishes/gab on the phone - as the kids get transfixed for approximately 27 minutes.
The show, despite the hefty ticket price, and the bloody mark ups on all the merchandise they sell right there, that the boys HAVE to have ($27 for a kids t-shirt??!) - it was a really great show. It featured all their songs, some of which are, "There's a Party in my tummy", I'm so sorry, I like to dance, and my favourite 'Let's get the sillies out'.
I really recommend it if it comes your way. Spencer was too shy and basically stayed rooted in his seat, but Denim rocked out and danced like her really did have a party in his tummy, Luke was somewhere in between.
Beacon Theatre,
Yo Gabba Gabba
Friday, 11 December 2009
It's Siberia in NY
Jeeze Louise it is cold here. I mean FREEZING. But no snow. Which is a good thing because everything seems to come to an abrupt halt here in NY/BK with just an inch of the stuff.
I decided not to wear gloves as the sun was shining brightly so I thought it couldn't be that bad. (kick myself number one). Then I went to pump gas (notice how American I am sounding?) and forgot that over here, they have locks on the pumps so you can sit in the comfort of your car, listening to the crap that is American radio, and forget that it's minus 80 outside. But of course that lock thingy escaped my peanut brain, so I stood outside holding the damn pump for what felt like an eternity (kick myself number two). My fingers were numb and i was kicking myself (for the third time) for sending Margaux to her sitter without gloves (major kick for that) - however, before anyone calls social services, her coat sleeve is about four inches too long so it covered her little fingers.
Then I went to Costco and came out $600 poorer (Joe will kick me for that one). How the hell did that happen? The only frivolous item I bought were a dozen red roses for $15!! That place is dangerous. I got yelled at by the lady at check out for having too many items in my 'cart' (ie trolley). Oh humbug, tis the season to spend spend spend right?!
I decided not to wear gloves as the sun was shining brightly so I thought it couldn't be that bad. (kick myself number one). Then I went to pump gas (notice how American I am sounding?) and forgot that over here, they have locks on the pumps so you can sit in the comfort of your car, listening to the crap that is American radio, and forget that it's minus 80 outside. But of course that lock thingy escaped my peanut brain, so I stood outside holding the damn pump for what felt like an eternity (kick myself number two). My fingers were numb and i was kicking myself (for the third time) for sending Margaux to her sitter without gloves (major kick for that) - however, before anyone calls social services, her coat sleeve is about four inches too long so it covered her little fingers.
Then I went to Costco and came out $600 poorer (Joe will kick me for that one). How the hell did that happen? The only frivolous item I bought were a dozen red roses for $15!! That place is dangerous. I got yelled at by the lady at check out for having too many items in my 'cart' (ie trolley). Oh humbug, tis the season to spend spend spend right?!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Curtis Stone flogging Lyle's Golden Syrup
This morning I was watching Kathie Lee and Hoda, (in between nappy changes with Margaux, and potty breaks with Spence) because I knew Curtis Stone was on. I have always been a huge fan of is and miss his 'Take Him Chef' show.
I almost turned it off after cringing like Tiger Wood's mum must be right now, when I saw the segment on 'What men think' (Curtis Stone looked like he wanted the ground to open underneath him). However, I love these two women and Curtis, so I stuck with it, and I'm glad I did! Curtis made the most amazing egg nog that I'm going to try this w/end (can you say 'pissed after one glass?"!), and he then made a pecan pie using Lyle's Golden Syrup. He tried to get a word in about the delicious-ness that this stuff is (and about how he is trying to pcik up its popularity over here), but that's always hard on this show with those loquacious ladies. I have been extolling its virtues for years and make the most amazing carmel bars using it. Here's the recipe:
Go to this website for more ideas.
It's pretty easy to find, even here in Brooklyn. I get mine from the wonder that is Fairway in Red Hook, or I rope someone who is flying over to bring it to me. Either way, it's amazing stuff and should be a staple in every kitchen.
I almost turned it off after cringing like Tiger Wood's mum must be right now, when I saw the segment on 'What men think' (Curtis Stone looked like he wanted the ground to open underneath him). However, I love these two women and Curtis, so I stuck with it, and I'm glad I did! Curtis made the most amazing egg nog that I'm going to try this w/end (can you say 'pissed after one glass?"!), and he then made a pecan pie using Lyle's Golden Syrup. He tried to get a word in about the delicious-ness that this stuff is (and about how he is trying to pcik up its popularity over here), but that's always hard on this show with those loquacious ladies. I have been extolling its virtues for years and make the most amazing carmel bars using it. Here's the recipe:
Go to this website for more ideas.
It's pretty easy to find, even here in Brooklyn. I get mine from the wonder that is Fairway in Red Hook, or I rope someone who is flying over to bring it to me. Either way, it's amazing stuff and should be a staple in every kitchen.
Curtis Stone,
Golden Syrup,
Kathie Lee and Hoda
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Four years of wedded bliss
And two kids later...
We recently celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary - so yes, if you look at our wedding piccy, I am four months pregnant in it and not just 'bloated'!...
Joe surprised me with:
a) getting his youngest sister to drive up from Philly to watch the kids
b) book me two amazing treatments at Great Jones Spa -
c) book a wonderful dinner that night at my favourite NY restaurant ever - Il Cantinori.
It was wonderful, I feel truly blessed to be married to such a gorgeous, wonderful, loving husband.
We recently celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary - so yes, if you look at our wedding piccy, I am four months pregnant in it and not just 'bloated'!...
Joe surprised me with:
a) getting his youngest sister to drive up from Philly to watch the kids
b) book me two amazing treatments at Great Jones Spa -
c) book a wonderful dinner that night at my favourite NY restaurant ever - Il Cantinori.
It was wonderful, I feel truly blessed to be married to such a gorgeous, wonderful, loving husband.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
George Clooney was born for this role
I know I'm contradicting myself when I say I have no time to see the movies, then write in when I do see something amazing, but I had to make the time to see Up In the Air (not to be confused with the other movie I blogged about, Up).
This movie was written solely for George Clooney. He nailed it. It was a brilliant performance, a dull first ten minutes or so, but it built up momentum and by the end I was a blubbering wreck like most movie goers around me.
I recently got laid off in April and it was such a horrendous experience so I could relate. The two inept women doing it (one was so new to HR my neighbour's cat could have done a better job) were so callous and nasty to me that I left wondering if they actually possessed a 'soul'. If only George Clooney had bore the news!
Go see it, it's a guaranteed bet for Best Picture. The performances by 'real' people at the beginning and end blew me away and I was thrilled that they could be included and perhaps gained some joy by being in such a great movie after going through such a traumatic experience.
This movie was written solely for George Clooney. He nailed it. It was a brilliant performance, a dull first ten minutes or so, but it built up momentum and by the end I was a blubbering wreck like most movie goers around me.
I recently got laid off in April and it was such a horrendous experience so I could relate. The two inept women doing it (one was so new to HR my neighbour's cat could have done a better job) were so callous and nasty to me that I left wondering if they actually possessed a 'soul'. If only George Clooney had bore the news!
Go see it, it's a guaranteed bet for Best Picture. The performances by 'real' people at the beginning and end blew me away and I was thrilled that they could be included and perhaps gained some joy by being in such a great movie after going through such a traumatic experience.
George Clooney,
laid off,
Up in the Air
Friday, 4 December 2009
Love from the Easter Bunny
Happy Easter!
We had a great Easter. We had the inlaws up for the day, then went over to our 82 year old friend, Nanda, apartment to her neighbours, Jonathan and Andy who attempted to cook an entire half a lamb... The lamb took about 3 hours longer to cook than Andy had anticipated, needless to say, by the time the lamb was served it was a pretty drunken, sloppy affair.
I will safely say, give me lamb chops or rack of lamb any day over an entire carcass of it.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Battle of the duvet cover
Good Lord is there anything harder than changing an American King size duvet cover? Is there an art to it? Because I can't do it without breaking into a sweat, cursing about 20 times and end up giving up half way through. Here I am this morning attempting the task. I swear there has to be a secret code to this that I am yet to crack.
Spence tried getting involved but it's still not on. I have a feeling hubby may be finishing the job later.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Who the hell are Tokyo Hotel?
OMG - I am getting old... Finally got round to watching the European MTV awards which has been on my dvr for eons. As there is simply nothing else on a Tuesday unless The Good Wife, and even that is being replaced by the Victoria Secret Fashion Show tonight and also on BBC America is 'My fake baby' which is soooo disturbing I can't watch..
I digress. Best band was just won by Tokyo Hotel.. Am I getting old? I have never heard of them. I look like I could be their mother. I thought I was being hip loving Kings of Leon. I guess I really am in my forties...
I digress. Best band was just won by Tokyo Hotel.. Am I getting old? I have never heard of them. I look like I could be their mother. I thought I was being hip loving Kings of Leon. I guess I really am in my forties...
Kings of Leon,
The Good Wife,
Tokyo Hotel
Monday, 30 November 2009
Thanksgiving - am grateful for no traffic
We bundled everyone into the car on Thanksgiving morning and headed onto the NJ turnpike to Joe's parents who live outside Philadelphia. We aimed to be in the car at 730amm - it was more like 810 which isn't bad for us, we are normally an hour behind schedule. We are beginning to get this parenting thing down!!
I couldn't believe the volume of traffic on the turnpike but we still made it in in good time. One year, it took Joe 7 hours to come back from there on the holiday w/end, so he is always filled with dread on this journey, quite rightly so! Not something I want to endure with two kids. I sincerely believe in years to come, we are all going to have to put in to the department of transport for 'time slots' to get on these major highways on big holidays as it's ridiculous how many cars are on the roads (tbd on another blog)
With the MIL in charge of turkey, stuffing and cranberries, Joe and I decided to do some brussels sprouts because what's turkey without them?! I also had to do a side order of roast potatoes because I just can't have mash with my turkey, it's hard enough not having turkey on xmas day over here but that's also for a later blog!
Joe and I love the fried sprouts from Momofuko Ssam on Second Ave (everything there is amazing). A quick search on the internet gave us the recipe, so we left the kids with the grandparents and tried in vain to find this one ingrediant - shichimi togarashi. Saying it is hard enough, but finding it, is IMPOSSIBLE! I mean, we tried EVERYWHERE to no avail. It's a Japanese 7 spice blend in case you were interested. We made them without this mystery ingredient, and it still tasted amazing. However, we are determined to hunt down that sucker, which should be easier in the melting pot that is New York.
it was a lovely thanksgiving, always relaxing when all the inlaws are there to spoil the kids. I actually get to pick up a magazine and read! Oprah quits her show (boo hoo but there is always the amazing Ellen), Tiger Woods is involved in a scandal (who ever saw THAT coming?) and all the movie reviews for upcoming films that I won't have time to see. Feet up with a glass of wine in one hand and trashy magazine in another - and free babysitters - bliss!
In the meantime, here are some photos of the lovlies as it's been too long and I'm getting yelled at.
Momofuka Ssam,
NJ Turnpike,
Tiger Woods
I beat the system!
The dreaded envelope arrived:
'New York City, Department of Finance Adjudication Division'
My ticket... But guess what, they dismissed it!! My legal argument, which came to me in a flash (watching The Good Wife must be having an effect) as I got these precious words:
The violation is dismissed.
Total amount due =0.
You can fight those tickets, don't be afraid! If I was guilty then I would have paid up but as you know from my previous post I wasn't and I was hell bent on fighting it, and I did!!
'New York City, Department of Finance Adjudication Division'
My ticket... But guess what, they dismissed it!! My legal argument, which came to me in a flash (watching The Good Wife must be having an effect) as I got these precious words:
The violation is dismissed.
Total amount due =0.
You can fight those tickets, don't be afraid! If I was guilty then I would have paid up but as you know from my previous post I wasn't and I was hell bent on fighting it, and I did!!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Comments on You Tube
It's been a while since we logged onto you tube but we just did tonight for nostalgia. These kids grow up so fast that we need video reminders of how they were! I was astonished meanwhile to find a comment on this video which was taken so many months ago, I forgot it happened!
We had a comment - something about ink poisoning!! Now, I don't have eyes in the back of my head, in fact, I am so short sighted (7.5 in each eye) I am barely "sighted" but I have to say that there is the moment or two that I have to get on with ordinary life, ie cooking dinner, running baths, getting lunch boxes ready, that I can't watch my children every single second.. And during these 'seconds.moments.minutes' shit happens. ie they paint themselves. So, any strangers out there telling me off about this, bite me. Come join me in Brooklyn for an hour or two and then comment on my kids.... I think painting themselves as animals is pretty harmless in the long run!
It's been a while since we logged onto you tube but we just did tonight for nostalgia. These kids grow up so fast that we need video reminders of how they were! I was astonished meanwhile to find a comment on this video which was taken so many months ago, I forgot it happened!
We had a comment - something about ink poisoning!! Now, I don't have eyes in the back of my head, in fact, I am so short sighted (7.5 in each eye) I am barely "sighted" but I have to say that there is the moment or two that I have to get on with ordinary life, ie cooking dinner, running baths, getting lunch boxes ready, that I can't watch my children every single second.. And during these 'seconds.moments.minutes' shit happens. ie they paint themselves. So, any strangers out there telling me off about this, bite me. Come join me in Brooklyn for an hour or two and then comment on my kids.... I think painting themselves as animals is pretty harmless in the long run!
You Tube - how amazing?
It was just brought to my attention that a video of Spencer and Margaux's first bath together on You Tube as had over 3000 hits!!! I know a small fraction of that number, so this blows my mind!!
However, it is quite a great clip so I'm not surprised at the great taste of viewers out there :)
Here it is:
ps - i guess the water wasn't cold
However, it is quite a great clip so I'm not surprised at the great taste of viewers out there :)
Here it is:
ps - i guess the water wasn't cold
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Saw Precious, Now Can't Sleep
It's 3am, I've been awake for over two hours now - why? Because I saw the film Precious today and can't get it out of my head.
I had a few hours off from the kids, it was a beautiful day here in New York, but I had one thing on my mind, getting on a train to Union Square to see this film. I first heard about it months ago (I think when some photos of Mariah Carey in it were released) but then forgot about it until watching Ellen and she wouldn't stop raving about it.
What an experience! Ellen was right to urge everyone to go see this. It was so heart wrenching, I honestly felt like my heart stopped for a moment. I don't want to give any of it away but it was a raw, harrowing, amazing film with performances that will blow you away. It seems even ridiculous to say 'give them all an oscar' because if that isn't acting at it's absolute finest, then I don't know what is.
Once home, I hugged my children tighter than ever. It will be even harder to see a child get yelled at in the street and not intervene, wondering if they have a similar Precious situation at their home.
I'm now going to down a large glass of red in the hopes I get some zzz's before the baby wakes up in about 3 more hours.
I had a few hours off from the kids, it was a beautiful day here in New York, but I had one thing on my mind, getting on a train to Union Square to see this film. I first heard about it months ago (I think when some photos of Mariah Carey in it were released) but then forgot about it until watching Ellen and she wouldn't stop raving about it.
What an experience! Ellen was right to urge everyone to go see this. It was so heart wrenching, I honestly felt like my heart stopped for a moment. I don't want to give any of it away but it was a raw, harrowing, amazing film with performances that will blow you away. It seems even ridiculous to say 'give them all an oscar' because if that isn't acting at it's absolute finest, then I don't know what is.
Once home, I hugged my children tighter than ever. It will be even harder to see a child get yelled at in the street and not intervene, wondering if they have a similar Precious situation at their home.
I'm now going to down a large glass of red in the hopes I get some zzz's before the baby wakes up in about 3 more hours.
Mariah Carey,
Union Square
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Brooklyn transit museum
We treated the kids to the new movie 'Up'. It's amazing. It's everything a movie should be. If you don't cry at this film then you aren't human. I cannot rave enough about it and urge everyone reading this post to see it!

Spencer is obsessed with tigers at the moment. He either wants us to draw them (joe's are amazing and actually resemble a tiger, mine look like a cross between a cat and a hippo)
If we aren't drawing them on paper, he insists on drawing them on him.
For example:

Friday, 13 November 2009
Sat nav - too much hype?
My darling husband realised it was our marriage or the tomtom sat nav - so he buckled and bought me the sat nav system. As you know from a previous post, I am clearly dubious about mapquest...
So I typed in JFK into my fancy new tomtom (despite knowing the way) and it took me to the middle of absolutely nowhere (100th street??!) in Jamaica, Queens. I questioned each and every turn but I was confident in the soothing voice telling me where to go. I ended up disturbing what I'm sure what a dodgy drug deal to find out the correct way when I finally gave up on the 4x6 screen and gave in to the old fashioned way - asking a stranger. (why do men not do this btw?)
A very good friend of mine once followed a sat nav system and ended up in a river. It even made the news
she is one of the best drivers I know, and thank god, with strength and fortitude, survived this hideous error on the part of the sat nav. She had no idea where she was going, it was a dark night, in the middle of absolutely nowhere. As if she would intentionally drive into a river!!
My take on all this - maybe we should stick to what our peers did - and read maps?!
So I typed in JFK into my fancy new tomtom (despite knowing the way) and it took me to the middle of absolutely nowhere (100th street??!) in Jamaica, Queens. I questioned each and every turn but I was confident in the soothing voice telling me where to go. I ended up disturbing what I'm sure what a dodgy drug deal to find out the correct way when I finally gave up on the 4x6 screen and gave in to the old fashioned way - asking a stranger. (why do men not do this btw?)
A very good friend of mine once followed a sat nav system and ended up in a river. It even made the news
she is one of the best drivers I know, and thank god, with strength and fortitude, survived this hideous error on the part of the sat nav. She had no idea where she was going, it was a dark night, in the middle of absolutely nowhere. As if she would intentionally drive into a river!!
My take on all this - maybe we should stick to what our peers did - and read maps?!
Sunday, 8 November 2009
My life as a hoover
Sorry for such a boring blog today, but I just had to write something about how much time I seem to be spending with a hoover in my hand. It's non stop!! We don't even have a pet!
I used to maybe vacuum once a week, and now with two kids, it is sometimes three times a day. Perhaps having a dark grey rug in the living room doesn't do me any favours, but I can't stand it sometimes. I put it away thinking 'why am I putting this away, I'll be reaching for it in no time'. I wonder if it should join the pile of toys in the corner instead. In almost four years we are on our THIRD vacuum!! Our current one is a second hand, Craigslist (where else, we buy everything on this) Miele, which is wonderful and I highly recommend them, but I am curious when it will be it's time to join the graveyard of our other hoovers!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Fourth Annual New York Marathon Party
We are fortunate to live on the route for the New York Marathon. It's better to watch it outside of Manhattan, because the crowds are much less, and we are literally right there, high fiving everyone without barricades blocking us in.
This has to be the most fun event in our neighbourhood and we go for it. We had about 40 people at our party to cheer on 40,000 strangers. Between all of us, we knew 6 runners so we stood outside with huge signs, cheering them all on. One thing I have to say about the marathon is that it attracts every walk of life and everyone who does it, truly is a hero in my book.
I stood outside with my Union Jack cheering on Paula Radcliff who looked -A-Ma-Zing. That woman is a personification of female power!
Also, one thing about the Union Jack - when a fellow Brit runs by and sees it, it's like they get a boost of energy and get really excited to see it. Aside from almost poking about 40 people in the eye with it as they ran by with me waving it, it's truly the tool to have on this amazing day.
My throat hurts from cheering on everyone for four hours but considering what they did, I am not complaining. I already can't wait for next year.
Super Fun Halloween
Whoa - talk about no life for ten days then going for it!
Friday morning was Spencer's school parade. He finally decided on being Superman. Here is in with some of his school classmates.
I had a girls night in town which was crazy fun. It was my first drink in two weeks after the 'Cleanse'. We had a party at Bumble and Bumble, dinner at Pastis, then a party in Greenpoint. I told Joe I would be home at 10ish.. It ended up being 145am... Then Spencer decided that 6am would be 'Wake Up Time' the next day, so how can I say.... 'torture'... To be be fair Joe did offer to get up with the kids, but I knew we had so much to do that further sleep was out of the question.
Which leads me to Halloween day. After a mad jaunt to my local farmers market (which annoyingly just moved from my side of the park to the complete opposite), I struggled back to the apartment with so much crapola, I had to stop about four times to catch my breath. I was rewarded however with a really fun lunch with my friend James and his brother Spencer at Gemma in town. They were both running in the NY marathon so wanted to give them some pre-support. James is one of England's most delightful, charming men, and it's always super fun catching up with him.
A quick dash back to Brooklyn for trick or treat with Spencer and his two best friends, Charlie and Denim.
Spencer decided his daddy should dress up as 'Shrek'. Here is Joe, the good sport.
Me and the mum's took great pleasure in having a beer at the local beer garden where we all ended up. I am so thrilled that Spencer's two best friends have the coolest mum's (actually all his class seems to have pretty cool parents so we lucked out) -here we are after a beer or three..
Thursday, 29 October 2009
End of the Master Cleanse
Ten days of NO food, NO wine and basically NO fun, but I did it!! I drank the lemonade (which actually wasn't so bad), I drank the senna tea (disgusting) and I drank the Salt Water Flush in the mornings (truly revolting).
I won't go into the gross details that come with the Master Cleanse, there are enough blogs out there that describe all that, but this is what came from it from me:
a) a weight loss of 8 pounds
b) clearer skin
c) more energy upon waking
The one side effect I did have with this cleanse on or about Day 4, was incredible cramping. It felt like contractions. Now, despite two children, I had c-sections both times. This was not through my choice, it was because Spencer was breach and in NY they won't let you have a VBAC unless you find a doctor willing to do it (which I was unable).
I now feel qualified to say I think I know what a contraction feels like. It was really painful but unlike childbirth, it passed after an hour or so. So my respect for women who have given birth naturally has increased even more from the pinnacle it was.
I can really recommend the Master Cleanse to everyone, it just takes a huge amount of willpower.
Now bring on the fish tacos!
I won't go into the gross details that come with the Master Cleanse, there are enough blogs out there that describe all that, but this is what came from it from me:
a) a weight loss of 8 pounds
b) clearer skin
c) more energy upon waking
The one side effect I did have with this cleanse on or about Day 4, was incredible cramping. It felt like contractions. Now, despite two children, I had c-sections both times. This was not through my choice, it was because Spencer was breach and in NY they won't let you have a VBAC unless you find a doctor willing to do it (which I was unable).
I now feel qualified to say I think I know what a contraction feels like. It was really painful but unlike childbirth, it passed after an hour or so. So my respect for women who have given birth naturally has increased even more from the pinnacle it was.
I can really recommend the Master Cleanse to everyone, it just takes a huge amount of willpower.
Now bring on the fish tacos!
World Series
I realise living in New York that you would think we would be rooting for the Yankees in this World Series, but seeing as how Joe is from Philadelphia, and despite him being a Mets fan, his entire family are life long Philly fans so we are behind them. Should we be cheering on the Yankees, we would suffer the wrath of a lot of irate inlaws.
So, go Phillies!
So, go Phillies!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Costumes and Cupcakes
Spencer can't make up his mind what he wants to be for Halloween. He changes his mind daily from a Kronosaurus (which is a costume I cannot locate), Batman and Superman. We go through the costumes on a daily basis and I think it's going to be tears and tantrums on the actual day because he will think of something entirely different and we will be scrambling.
Margaux on the other hand is happy in her fairy costume and eating cupcakes!
Saturday, 24 October 2009
My son, the deep thinker
Spencer has been learning the difference between the sounds of an acoustic guitar vs. electric at school - pretty cool lessons - when asked what he thought of when hearing the electrical he said "it's like seeing a sculpture that isn't there''
do we have a possible future Keats on our hands?
do we have a possible future Keats on our hands?
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Urgh - $115 poorer
I love the police force. I really do. I think they do a fantastic job and I love the ones here in Brooklyn, they are the nicest bunch you could ever hope to have protect you. But today I got miffed with the NYPD TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT. I decided to go to Hoboken, and see my friend Brooke and her delicious new baby. After going through the midtown tunnel and cutting through town, on 37th St, I was stuck behind a huge usps truck that blocked my view for the lights and I snuck up behind him, didn't run any lights, didn't block the street, maybe just the crosswalk for about 20 seconds and BAAM, this woman comes out of nowhere, zaps the registration, rudely tells me to pull over and in about 5 seconds issues me a ticket for $115 in the rudest manner I thought was possible. Urrgh. I'm going to fight it - stay tuned and wish me luck! She knew I wasn't really blocking the intersection but she wasn't hearing any of it. Maybe she was on the cleanse too and was as cranky as it's making me!
Master Cleanse Day 3
Seriously, this is hard work. Thank heaven Joe and I embarked on this together, it's truly difficult. We are both such foodies and love our wine, (especially after a day with the kids!) that this is harder than we ever thought. However, we have both lost 3 pounds since we started this crazy adventure, so it's obviously working. The hardest part is cooking the kids dinner, I never knew chicken nuggets could smell so heavenly...
3 down, 7 to go...
Seriously, this is hard work. Thank heaven Joe and I embarked on this together, it's truly difficult. We are both such foodies and love our wine, (especially after a day with the kids!) that this is harder than we ever thought. However, we have both lost 3 pounds since we started this crazy adventure, so it's obviously working. The hardest part is cooking the kids dinner, I never knew chicken nuggets could smell so heavenly...
3 down, 7 to go...
Monday, 19 October 2009
The Master Cleanse
Joe and I have embarked on a ten day master cleanse program today. It's a few hours in and already I am starving and getting cranky at the thought of nothing 'solid' passing my lips until next Thursday. We had a big blow out in Philadelphia on Saturday night in preparation which was really fun, lots of great food and wine (thanks TT!) - stay tuned for more on this journey.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
My First Posted Comments
So I did this blog for fun. Being British and living 3000 miles away in New York, I thought it would be a fun way for my friends and family back home to follow our lives, see some photos of our children, and generally get an idea of life over here.
This blog wasn't to seek any type of fame or fortune. I realise it was a window into our world and available for all and sundry to view, but what I didn't anticipate was my first comment EVER RECEIVED to be so vindictive and mean spirited - from someone I don't even know! What is this world coming to that someone thinks it's ok to write something like that?!
I made a simple comment about mapquest driving us to a complete dead end - which it did! And then when I make a comment about it, I get called stupid! I love the Bronx, I love the diversity of everyone there, the food is great, and the zoo is one of the best in the world. So if that person is still reading this blog, please stop! Or if you truly want to follow my simple life, say something pleasant or nothing at all and leave the comments for my family and friends that do enjoy it.
BTW - here are the incorrect directions from mapquest - it says the zoo is at 444 E 148th Street which is completely wrong.
This blog wasn't to seek any type of fame or fortune. I realise it was a window into our world and available for all and sundry to view, but what I didn't anticipate was my first comment EVER RECEIVED to be so vindictive and mean spirited - from someone I don't even know! What is this world coming to that someone thinks it's ok to write something like that?!
I made a simple comment about mapquest driving us to a complete dead end - which it did! And then when I make a comment about it, I get called stupid! I love the Bronx, I love the diversity of everyone there, the food is great, and the zoo is one of the best in the world. So if that person is still reading this blog, please stop! Or if you truly want to follow my simple life, say something pleasant or nothing at all and leave the comments for my family and friends that do enjoy it.
BTW - here are the incorrect directions from mapquest - it says the zoo is at 444 E 148th Street which is completely wrong.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Watch out Phelps!
Spencer is turning into the finest, most confident swimmer and here are some of his highlights from his graduation of pike and eel class at the local YMCA!! He has the best instructor and the Y is one of the best places as far as I'm concerned for any child to learn how to swim.
Bronx Zoo Rules Mapquest Sucks
So after following mapquest's shitty directions to Bronx Zoo which took us to some local park in the Bronx and nowhere near the zoo, then a scale of 8 out of ten argument about the necessity of sat nav in our car, we finally came upon Bronx Zoo and had a great day. Spencer met up with his swim buddy, Ivan and together they had so much fun.
It's really one of New York's great attractions for kids. Spence had a blast running around with Ivan and it was all a bit too much for Margaux. Here are some of our highlights.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Smelly Knackered Mums
Yesterday my friend Rachel and her two kids came over for a play date. Rachel is a fellow Brit from Liverpool. We met in 1989 when we both came over to Washington DC to be Au Pairs. Fast forward twenty years later, and we are both in living in Brooklyn, married to Americans with a boy and girl each. What I love about her is that we both don't have to make a huge effort when we get together, it's just as is. We've known each other long enough to know that when we need to pull it together we will, but who has the time to get spruced up to go to the swings? Getting two kids out of the door is hard enough.
After both lamenting that neither of us had showered, neither of us had slept (teething, colds, nightmares) and that we were both waaay overdue a hair colour (but who has the time?). We trundled off to the park, kids in tow to find a slew of other mum's that looked all the in the same boat as us. There was one slummy mummy who was drop dead gorgeous, but most every other parent there looked as bleary eyed as we did.
It was a comforting thing. Meanwhile, I still have yet to shower.
Happy Columbus Day! We are off to Bronx Zoo.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Forty years old and driving on a Learner's Permit?!
Last week, I finally bit the bullet and tried to get a New York State drivers license. Now I consider myself a pretty damn good driver, I passed my test in England at the ripe old age of 17 and have been driving in the States since 1989. I've received only two speeding tickets, both in the same summer balmy evening in South Caroline, in 1989 and on the same highway, 20 minutes apart (you would have thought I would have slowed down after the first pulling over, but clearly had did not).
I went online to the DMV, and was dismayed to learn that in the beautiful state of New York, British licenses AREN'T recognised (yet Canadian ones are?!) and I had to start from scratch.
It involved a drive to Coney Island, land of the hot dog, an interminable wait to get a number, an even longer wait to await that number being called, which led you to another room where I was subjected to a 20 minute multiple choice test. Now I haven't taken a test in about 20 years so I do admit to struggling a bit. Waiting for the results took one hour and twenty minutes (I do not jest), I PASSED (thank heaven, I got four wrong out of 20, you are allowed up to six wrong), then another endless queue to get my photo taken, only to discover I was in the wrong queue! By now my patience was running quite thin (as yours might be if reading this!) Hopped into the correct lane - 20 minutes or so later and voila - my mug was pictured. ANOTHER wait to pay (about 40 minutes this time) and a total of 4 hours and 35 minutes later I was out of there and crawling back on the BQE to pay the sitter who watched my children so I could go through this torture. $60 to the sitter, $80 for my permit, $20 parking and $20 to replace my book, Three Cups of Tea that is sitting somewhere in the Coney Island Department of Motor Vehicles.
I wish I could say this was the end of getting a New York license, but alas it's not. I now have to attend a FIVE hour seminar at a US Auto School, and then schedule an actual road test. I hate to sound so American but 'Are you EFFIN kidding me"???!! What about the 23 years I have been driving so far - does this account for nothing? Apparently, frustratingly, not!
It's raining rubble
Hi All
I guess it's what comes with living in a 100 year old building in Brooklyn. We live in a building that has retail space below, our apartment on one floor and just one other apartment above us, then the roof. The apartment upstairs has been vacant for a while since our dear friends B,B and V moved out in June (we miss you guys so much!)
Three girls moved in about two weeks ago and we hadn't met them yet. We were about to in not the most conservative of ways.
Monday morning, one of three girls took a shower, and in the process, our ceiling collapsed in our bathroom. Joe was working already so I left the kids watching Yo Gabba Gabba, halloween edition for the hundred and eighth time and bolted upstairs to make a fast introduction.
This poor stranger answers her door to my incessant banging wrapped in just a towel with me hastily explaining to please not flush toilets/wash hands or take showers until we got the problem sorted. Welcome to Greenpoint!!
Our dodgy Russian landlord dismissed it as a leaky shower in their apartment and came round to fix it with a replacement shower head (whhaaaattttt?!) Now I ain't no plumber but my limited plumbing experience told me this wasn't anything to do with shower heads. After many heated words, he finally agreed to a real plumber to come round who replaced the pipes and in the process almost killed himself working with water gushing down on him and exposed live wires threatening his time on earth at any given moment. I fear electrical problems to emerge shortly.
It was a week of mayhem - video to follow as simple words words can't convey the destruction that was. Anyway, we came out unscathed the only thing to take a battering were Spencer and Margaux's rubber duckeys who were last seen making a run for it.
Despite all this mess, there was one extremely positive aspect to come from this and that was that we got to meet our new neighbours, despite the circumstance. We got to know them all pretty damn fast having to share the one bathroom in the hall that isn't connected to this shady polish plumbing.
They all seem like wonderful girls and we can't wait to share this kooky building with them.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Bye Bye Fire Truck Bed
We decided to get Spencer another bed as this Fire Truck bed was basically a disaster. We moved him into it on his second birthday, and he has probably spent a total of five nights in it (crawling into ours practically every night and major tears if we tried to move him back). Also, I wasn't sure it would take my weight along with his and was constantly fearful of a collapse!
Fire Truck Bed
Saturday, 15 August 2009
August in the Jersey Shore and Hamptons
No complaints here. A week in the Jersey Shore at Avalon, where Joe spent his summers lifeguarding as a hormone raged teenager/college student and a couple of days in the Hamptons with our friends Seth and Judy and their two adorable little men, Charlie and Nate.
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